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Showing posts from January, 2021

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

(Time For A Little Girl Talk}

I hope that you all are doing well and staying healthy and that our week will be great for us all. I thought today that maybe I would share a few products with you all that I love. It's always good to see what products that other's have found to be tried and true for them.  First, let me say that I have dry and sensitive skin so I have to be careful about face products for sure. But I have found these to work just fine for me with my skin and my "Pocketbook" as my granny would have said.  My poor tubes are worn out as you can see from the picture. A friend told me about Essence Mascara's when I asked her what she used as her lashes always look so beautiful. I use both of these products. I use the Sculpted Volume first and then the False Lash Effect last. I have liked the results and the price is awesome. I bought mine from Ultra but you can buy these products from Amazon. They are around $5 each.  This is not a very clear picture but I really like the Revlon Colo...

{It's A New Day}

Good Sunday afternoon friends. I hope that you are having a good Sunday. Our family surely did. A wonderful church service this morning followed by our weekly family Sunday dinner always brings me much joy and delight.   I wanted to show you this sweet little beaded ornament my youngest daughter's sweet mothinlove made for me. Isn't it too cute? I see these are quite popular and I am sure I will use it in various areas for decor for a long time.  For right now it is perfectly nesting in a good spot.  She also made for me and gifted me this adorable stove top noodle. It goes perfect with my farmhouse kitchen decor.  The picture doesn't do this adorable noodle justice. I truly feel blessed and I was most appreciative of her gifts to me. Marty and I had a DAY date. YEP, I tend to like the DAY dates better these days. Y'all, when it gets dark I am ready for my fat clothes, recliner and a cup of coffee. I wonder if that is a sign of aging? LOL! But, I found this cut...

{What's Happening}

Hello dear blogging friends. Hope you all had a great weekend. Despite one eye healing and one bad eye, I am still keeping up with life as normal as I can and much appreciative to those who have reached out to me to assure me...I will feel normal soon. It's great to know others will pray for you and especially to hear from those that have felt the struggle because it's truly real.    When the 4 year old granddaughter wanted Chocolate cake well, of course I whipped up a batch of chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing topped with chocolate chips. I hear chocolate is really good to help your eyes heal from surgery too...... The oldest granddaughter carried me back to the eye doctor and of course I treated her to lunch. It is a good feeling to know I have a grand with drivers license now! LOL!  We went to watch my favorite grandson.... my only grandson , play basketball with our church team over the weekend. It was a treat to have his great-grandfather there too.  Finis...

{Country Winter Tablescape}

  Happy Week To Everyone. I hope that this week brings you lots of JOY . I wanted to share my Country Winter Tablescape that is surely given me joy this week. I did not want to put away my Christmas table decor this year but when my youngest daughter spotted these cute chargers at Michaels and pointed them out to me I knew a Country Winter Tablescape was next.  Incorporating my Deer and forest animals that I used at Christmas made me feel that I still had a little of Christmas lingering on my table.  I love these new chargers and what I really loved about them was the price. 8 of them for $7.50 at Michaels was the after Christmas sale price and wouldn't you know it...they had 8 which is what I needed.  As soon as I saw the chargers I knew exactly what kind of tablescape I wanted to do.  My white platter surely came in handy for more than just cookies to nestle on. I was able to incorporate pinecones, small white ornaments and several mini trees. ...

{Happy New Year and My WORD for 2021}

  I sure hope that your New Year has started out with "sweet moments" of life happening all around you. I have been busy taking my Christmas down and putting it away for another season. I love my Christmas so much and I always dread taking it down. But, It's a New Season of life, a New Beginning , and a New Reason to have JOY ! For New Year's Eve we spent some time with our children and fried some good old venison back strap and potatoes. We enjoyed a fire pit and S'mores and of course a few fireworks added to the fun.  On New Year's Day we spent a quiet day at home "piddling" as we like to call it. I've learned something about myself this past year. I'm real quick to start several projects at one time but I am easily distracted by other things. So I just sorta "Piddle" . Oh well.... I went out to eat and done a little shopping with this crew over the New Year Holidays. YEP, picked up a few new items for next Christmas that had ...