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Showing posts from March, 2020

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

{Cake Mix Cookie Bars, Garden Potatoes and Life As We Know It}

The best time to drink Coffee is ANYTIME to me but I would say NOW might be a good time to drink coffee. I might run out of TP but I am surely trying to keep my coffee supply plentiful along with my green tea. I love a cup of hot or cold green tea too!    So, in the midst of everything that we all are dealing with right now I needed a little baking therapy, so baking it was.   I made a batch of simple cake mix cookie bars. I did not have any regular M&Ms to use but just so happened to have a small box of pastel colored M&Ms.  Mercy, chocolate chips and M&Ms make life so much better doesn't it? And....for me, add a cup of coffee and YEP...I will survive! I wanted to share the recipe with you. Cake Mix Cookie Bars Ingredients 1 box yellow cake mix (I used Duncan Hines) 1 small box vanilla instant pudding mix 1/4 cup water 3/4 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 1 cup mini M&Ms 1/2 cup chocolate chi...

{A Day At The Beach Will Soothe The Soul}

It was a last minute plan by one of my daughter's but so glad that last minute plan came about. A day at the beach surely soothed my soul. With so much up in the air with the Cornonavirus we surely needed a little salt air and the sound of the ocean. No doubt about it my "Happy Place" is the beach but when a day at the beach is shared with family then it's wonderful. These kiddos have only one concern right now and that's to be normal in a time in our lives that NOTHING is normal. See the people in the background? YES, we surely did not have a crowd on the beach at all. Saw several of these guys. Not many but we stayed away from them for sure. So glad we shared this wonderful day together and just in the nick of time as the beach was closed the next day.   "Mighter than the waves of the sea is His love for you". Psalm 93:4    His love for us is greater than any virus and THAT ....we can surely know. I want...

{Getting my Spring and Easter On}

Don't you love my little truck????? Decided in the midst of all the scares and negativity we have going on that I would set my table for Spring-Easter. I wanted a simple table with a little fun but yet a tad of elegance and I think I succeeded in all three areas. I mean who doesn't like Easter eggs? And pretty tea cups? And, touches of pastel never fail during Spring-Easter. I adore my Bunny tea pot. I was gifted her in 2000 and I put her out on display every year. I added just a few touches here and there of vintage Easter along with a miniature tea cup that belonged to my late motherinlove. And you talk about smell good! Now that Cotton and Freesia from Bath and Body surely makes you want to wash your hands a lot! A thrifted bed sheet sure made a pretty colorful tablecloth too. Another aspect of our weekend was meat processing. My FIL helped Marty and we sure enjoyed a good deer steak that night. GIRLS, WE MIGHT RUN OUT OF TOILET...


Web Image I totally agree with that! What about you?   Well, for me personally, about the time I get used to the time change it seems it's time to  have another time change. I actually like having more time in the afternoons before it gets dark. My husband said that for him, it just seemed that it meant more daylight hours to work. One thing is for sure y'all...Time change or not... TIME surely will pass us by quickly. Regardless of whether I like or dislike the time change I just keep reminding myself.... It's the simple things in life that bring the greatest pleasures. NO MATTER THE TIME CHANGE.  Speaking of "pleasures" I had this sweet grandgirl over the weekend. I picked her up on Friday around 1:30 and she stayed with Nana and Papa till Sunday morning. We sure had a great time. She is such an easy going child and it sure makes it easy to have fun with her and fun we did.  She enjoyed riding the 4-wheeler with papa and fishing. That lit...

{Birthday Mountain Trip}

Well y'all, my birthday celebration came to an end. I tried real hard to get Marty to agree to carry it over into March but he said he had to draw the line somewhere!  Wanted to share with my blogging friends my birthday trip to the mountains. WARNING...Lots of pictures but not nearly all of them! These pictures are not in any particular order but these are some of my most favs out of the MANY I took!  The mountains, like the ocean is always breathtaking to me. Most days had clear skies except for one day and as far as you could see, the beauty of mountains surrounded us. Someone asked me, "Don't you have a fireplace at home?". Well, yep I do. But there is something different about being away in a cabin and sitting by a fireplace with your feet propped up! At home...I am afraid too many other things beckon my attention but NOT THIS WEEK! Oh how I love me an "OUTSIDE FIRE" as I like to call it. We enjoy...